Coaching for Creative Entrepreneurs
Invest in your growth to experience a better future every day.
You’re a Creative who does work differently.
You’re an original thinker and compelled to create, increasingly intentional about cultivating who you are and crafting what you do. But your attention and energy are limited resources to invest, and you’re experiencing some discomfort, disillusion, and disorientation in pursuit of what you want.
What is the future you’re creating every day?
You want to fully engage with your experience and expand your growth — autonomy, wealth, excellence, and impact matter. But you’re holding back from going to your edge of what feels possible, opening to outcomes, and investing in the process of who you’re becoming.
How are you growing?
Whether you’re
… a solopreneur challenged with managing yourself and your business
… a first-time founder scaling your vision and learning how to lead
… an executive with entrepreneurial style and navigating your potential
You’re seeking support to shape, shift, and scale your growth for a better future every day.
Hi, I’m Taylor
I’m forever figuring out how to grow. Instead of life just happening to you, I believe there is a process you can consciously practice, not just passively trust.
It’s not a secret, and I didn’t make it up. It’s a process that naturally occurs. When you understand it, you can use it to continuously transform your experience. Given you spend about 1/3 of your life working, business is a critical context to invest in your growth.
I am on a mission to help you invest in your growth to experience a better future every day.
I’m a certified Executive Coach and, like you, a Creative Entrepreneur.
I’ve started, failed, scaled, and sold businesses, and I’ve also completely changed the course of my career more than once. Without an MBA, I was a co-founder of a creative technology agency and a self-made multi-millionaire and accredited investor before the age of 30. But it wasn’t until I consciously invested in my growth that my experience, including work, transformed. It is a process that was always available to me, but I didn’t always know how to practice.
Really, the process is inherent to human development, so anyone has access to understanding it and can benefit from practice. My focus is Creative Entrepreneurs because I believe you have an outsized impact on our future, and I connect with how you think, feel, and approach work.
Like you, I’ve sometimes held back and felt stuck or lost, struggled with being an imposter, and wrestled with the curious combination of uninspired and overwhelmed. There is a different way to work. There is an edge of acceptance and ambition where you can consistently exist and constantly evolve. Good news: you’re the gatekeeper to this open threshold of potential. Bad news: no one is coming to let you do the work you want and the life you want to live.
I meet you where you are in three ways,
Reveal what the process of growth is and how it works
Reflect how you can participate in the process to transform your experience of work
Reciprocate your commitment to the process with collaboration and accountability
You might be curious about outcomes: autonomy, wealth, excellence, and impact matter. You can create the future states of success you want. Notice what you’ve already achieved, only to be launched into a fresh iteration of who you’re becoming. What you really want is how you believe you will feel when you have that next desired outcome. The emphasis on the process is because it offers you the freedom to choose well-being every day, even in the most challenging circumstances, as you pursue a better future.
Like you, I’m working while living real life every day. In addition to being a coach, employer, and investor, I am a partner, mom, friend, family, and community member. Our growth is integrated with the work and lives of others. Your practice of the process cannot change other people, but it can change your relationships for the better. I’m also a human and subject to suffering; I get sick, I am wrong, I make mistakes, and I am affected by unforeseen and undesirable events. Your practice of the process cannot protect you from pain, but it can change your experience of working with discomfort for the better.
If you’ve made it this far, something is resonating, and I want to hear from you. I want to learn who you are and who you’re becoming. I want to support your process so you can experience well-being as you pursue a better future every day.
(And, if you were expecting a more traditional bio, you can get that here.)